Rank 3:
High Bark
"Men like trees take root"

The Rank
Of High Bark
The third rank of Mascote is that of High Bark. To become a High Bark you must be 13 years old or hold the rank of Acorn.
From knots to swimming, to first aid, on almost all the outdoor skills you will be tested. “Tried and Proven” are the watch words of the High Bark. The requirements are many, but the most difficult is starting a fire by friction from a set that you make yourself during camp from all natural materials and having it burn for 15 minutes.
The High Bark must also lead and be the Master of Ceremony of a 35 minute camp fire program, including not only planning and building the fire, but organizing skits and songs and moments of reflection and reverence, in front of some strangers.
The program should rise and fall as the fire does.
Only 3 High Bark youth must grade this fire, not 2 and not 4, but 3 youth graders there shall be.

High Bark in Action
High Barks must show the abilities of camping with family, rendering first aid, an hiking skills.