The dictionary definition of Mascote (Mass-coh-tA), means: “A character or individual that brings luck and spiritual leadership to an organization”.
The ranks in this program are designed to be directly related to and have been specifically designed to reduce the amount of “luck” that you will actually need in your future endeavors. It is our steadfast purpose to increase the “chances” for them to succeed by providing you with a moral and patriotic foundation.
A Mascote creates their own luck simply because they learn to win while staying humble and they have many times faced the sting of defeat, accepted it, and moved ahead in a positive way. Mascote accomplishes this because it is your fellow youth members who pick the place to go, set the dates, create the Mascote Camp, and last but not least they invite you to join!
"By backyard, by zip-code, by state, anywhere in America. The future of social camping is here!"
The Mascote Ranks
By learning how to take on and play the proper rolls through out their lifetimes, a Mascote’s God given talents and skills will always bring some luck to any organization that is lucky enough to just to have them playing on their team.
Tag your Mascote Camping moments on Instagram. #MascoteMoments